
Raw Materials - Set Season Visibility

When creating a new season, initially there are no raw materials visible there.  You can use the tool 'Set Season Visibility' to make raw materials from previous seasons visible.  Price in Zedonk is season specific - so you can change the cost of the raw material variants and it will not effect previous seasons.

Making an existing Product visible in a season will automatically make the Raw Materials associated with that Product visible. Alternatively you can make raw materials visible here in order to create new products...

Select [Set Season Visibility] from the Raw Materials dropdown

The list will be showing all your materials from all your existing seasons.

Use filters to narrow down your search, or select the season you wish to view the visible Raw Materials

I.E. Filter to see only the materials already visible in a specific previous season

Select to make colours for this material visible in the current season

Save is automatic

Or select [Make All Visible] to make all Raw Materials on screen visible in the current season

Select [Make VISIBLE] to confirm

Save is automatic, to return to the Raw Materials list view click on Raw Materials

For prices to pull through correctly, you must ensure to have the previous season set correctly in your Season Settings

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