
Raw Materials - Raise a Purchase Order from Raw Materials

If there is a requirement to raise a purchase orders, then YES will be displayed in the column PO Required

..Raw Materials
..Raw Materials by Colour
To preview the Quantity Required click red [Yes]

For Inventory users, the Quantity Required is the Combined Required figure from Raw Material Inventory

To create the Purchase Order, select one or more raw materials and click [X Select] and [Create PO]
Choose if the delivery is to Main (main location) or direct to Manufacturer

If direct to Manufacturer is selected, only the requirement for that specific manufacturer will be visible on the PO, not the total requirement for the season

Select [Create]

A Purchase Order template will open

Enter the PO general details, click [Save] to generate PO number

For more information on General Details tab of Purchase Orders

1. Enter PO Reference

2. Enter shipper information and shipping terms

3. Payment terms are pulled from Supplier entry or can be manually updated

4. Select if VAT applicable

5. Tick once the Supplier has confirmed the order

From the Raw Materials tab, the Quantity Needed in red is the purchasing required to complete Production

Click the Note icon to display the memo card details on screen

Enter the actual Order Quantity, you can amend the actual cost if needed

The final pdf purchase order will only show those raw materials that you gave a quantity for. Any zero quantity materials will not show


Select if you wish to have images included

Please note that the Colour column will include the Supplier Colour Ref from the Raw Material Colour/Variant on a Purchase Order

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