
Production Analysis - Add Products to an Existing Production Order - Non-Inventory Users

If new Sales are processed after a Production Order was raised, these additional units will need to be added to the existing Production Order

Tracking 'Outstanding' are not on Production Orders and can be added

You can only add production made by the same manufacturer to an existing production order

These lines are PENDING, therefore these products are not on a PRODUCTION ORDER

You can filter by Docket Number or by Manufacturer

Filter by [Select/Move/Filter] for Outstanding Tracking

To read more about this function - click here

Select All

From Production Order dropdown select [Add to Production Order]

Confirm your action - if you have more than one production order for this factory then chose the the production order from the dropdown

Products are now on this Production Order/Docket

Clear Selected

You may need to resend the docket to the factory  
You may need to resend the docket to the factory  - Click on the docket number and PRINT or PRINT LIST

PRINT DOCKET = one page per style - cutting list style

PRINT PRODUCTION  LIST = summary of production order with values and order total

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