
Zedonk-Lingo Connector - PO Import


Go to CUSTOMERS and mark each of your 'EDI Customers' using the relevant tickbox.

Input all of the Lingo <Loc No> into the Store Address <Store Number>

Remember you can add multiple Store Addresses for one Customer, using the green ADD button

In LINGO.. ..create a Tag for each of your Zedonk EDI customers

You can also configure settings in your Lingo account to automatically set document Tags on incoming Orders. 

Please contact Lingo Support for instructions.

Go to CONNECTORS  >  Lingo Connector > SETTINGS

Settings > Tab: 'Settings'

1 > Assign the correct Tag to each Customer.

2 > Select in what Zedonk season you want orders for each customer to be created.

3 > Select the user to be Order Owner for orders created for each customer.

4 > Select if you want orders for each customer to be created in Zedonk already Approved or Not Approved

[ SAVE ]


Only tag the orders you want Zedonk to collect.

Tag orders for the correct customer, according to your Import Settings.

Zedonk will ONLY check for status 'New'.

Zedonk will check for all orders received in Lingo since your last import.

To go back to an earlier date, you can define it in your Connector Import Settings.

Now you are ready to trigger the PO IMPORT task

Within a minute you can see more details in your connector History

Orders are created in Zedonk

The Lingo PO number is showing in the Order Reference field.

Refer to the Full Mapping to see how all fields from Lingo populate in Zedonk.

Customer Addresses

Store Address

If the Lingo <Loc No> does not match an existing Zedonk <Store Number>, a new Store Address will be automatically created on the customer record and assigned to the Sales Order.

You need to manually complete this entry with the correct details.

Delivery Address

If the <Zip Code> of the Lingo 'Ship To Location' does not match an existing entry in Zedonk, a new Delivery Address will be automatically created on the customer record and assigned to the Sales Order.

Accounts Address

If the <Zip Code> of the Lingo 'Bill To Location' does not match an existing entry in Zedonk, a new Accounts Address will be automatically created on the customer record and assigned to the Sales Order.

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