
Manufacturers - Data Import - Create Manufacturers

You can create new Manufacturers or update existing Manufacturer details from the import of a CSV file.

From Manufacturers dropdown menu select [Data Import]

You must complete the Mandatory Columns.

Select [Download Template] to download the CSV template file

The CSV template file will download onto your computer.

You only need to populate the columns you want to use - you can delete the others.

A few things to note...

CURRENCY NAME: enter the NAME of the currency as it is in your Zedonk, not the symbol.

For any column where a drop-down list was created in your Zedonk (Manufacturer Categories), you must enter a valid entry from that list.

If you are not sure what these entries are, check your Product Settings first.

Once complete, drag and drop the .csv file to import data to Zedonk

Drag and drop your CSV file in the box or select it using the green button.

Select [Next]
The validation screen allows you to view 'valid' columns that have been recognised, and 'invalid' columns which have not been recognised

You can also choose to deselect valid columns to be ignored on import.

Select [Next]
Zedonk runs a validation on your file and provides results for review

Click on the button [Error] or [Valid] on each line, for more details.

Create Error: One line is giving me an error because the <Category> is not part of the list of Categories available in my settings.

Update: One line is updating because the Manufacturer Category already exists in my system.

You can untick the lines with errors and exclude them from the import, or go back to your file, amend and repeat the process until you have no errors
Click [Import Data] to complete the import
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