
Scanning - Book In

Use a scanner or your keyboard to enter barcodes and quantities when you receive stock from your manufacturers

From Production Book Out / Book In select the Production Order you wish to receive stock against
From the Book In tab click [+ Add]
Select the barcode icon
The Scanning interface will open, showing your expected products and quantities

The cursor is automatically positioned to the field Barcode/Quantity

Now you can use your wired or wireless scanner and scan the products you have received

When you scan a barcode, you want the scanner to send the thirteen digits of the barcode followed by a "Return", "Enter", "Tab"to Zedonk.

This means you need to follow the set up instructions to set a "suffix" ( being the "return/enter/tab"). Different scanners typically work in similar ways but you may need to look at your scanner manual to configure it  correctly.

If configured correctly, when you scan a barcode, the barcode will briefly appear in the "barcode/quantity" field and automatically be added.

You can scan every single piece you have received..

and Zedonk will add them up for you!

..or you can select [Find & Set Quantity] from  Actions dropdown..

... and select a product and size from the dropdown and enter the units received

Zedonk tells you if you have reached the Expected Qty, if you have more than Expected, or in case of error (i.e. product not present on this order)
Scanning Sounds and Actions

click here for more info

Once you have scanned all your items click [Actions] then [Finish & Return]
Once you have scanned all your items click on ACTIONS > FINISH & RETURN
Pop up message asks you to confirm, click [Yes]
You are back to your [Book In] page and the quantities scanned have now populated the form

You can add a reference for this book in and click [Save + Close]

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