
Suppliers - Add new Supplier

Suppliers are the companies that supply you with Raw Materials and/or Components use to create your Products

Select [Add New Supplier]

You have 4 tabs

1. General details

2. Address and contacts for Supplier

3. Agent details

4. Accounts details

Enter Supplier General Details
Enter the information about your SUPPLIER and SAVE AND CLOSE

1. Supplier Name - this will go on the Purchase Order

2. Choose SUPPLIER CATEGORY - for more information on Material Settings - Supplier Categories

3. Select PURCHASING currency - if you have multi currencies in Zedonk you can select the currency that you use to buy from this SUPPLIER.

4. Enter agreed PAYMENT TERMS - this will go to Purchase Order

5. Enter agreed SHIPPER  - this will go to Purchase Order

6. Enter agreed SHIPPING TERMS  - this will go to Purchase Order

7. Website - enter your supplier web address

8. Comments - enter any internal information for this SUPPLIER


Enter address/contact information

It is mandatory to select a COUNTRY in order to save the SUPPLIER record

1. Select the COUNTRY for the SUPPLIER

2. Add main address for SUPPLIER - this will go on the Purchase Order

3. & 4. You can add up to 2 general contacts for this Supplier

Enter the Agent details (if applicable)
Enter the Account details (if applicable)

If you see this you will need to correct errors before you can save the record

In this case the currency and  country for the Supplier not selected. Amend and then click save again.

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