
Suppliers - Data Import - Update Suppliers

You can select suppliers, select data fields, export them and then amend data and import to Zedonk.

Ensure any data fields you wish to amend are visible on Supplier List View

Click on LAYOUT/FILTER symbol and select Select/Move/Filter

In the example below, all records for suppliers with Supplier Category / WOVEN will have the category updated.

Click Select/Move/Filter button


Now filter by CATEGORY. Start typing and the options will appear. Select categories (the 'No Filter' field will change to 'Is Filter').

When finished click OK.

Once selected, click [Selected]

Now your filtered records are selected and you can export them.

Click [Export CSV] to download the CSV file of data
Open to make any amendments required

You can change data in any column EXCEPT SUPPLIER.

Do not use these symbols: £, €, ¥, § (Excel replaces them with other characters when saving as CSV).

In the example below, I want to add WOVEN to all blank CATEGORY fields and Change the Currency of Batrado from GBP to EUR.

You can use Filters to isolate records you want to change - new entries are CASE SENsITIvE.

Remove all filters and save your file ready for import

From Supplier dropdown menu select [Data Import]
Select file or drag and drop the amended CSV file and click [Next]

Remove if you've chosen the incorrect file.

You see the Validation screen to review data
  1. If you untick any columns they won't be imported
  2. INVALID columns won't be imported (the column header is not recognised)
  3. Only VALID columns will be imported including those you have ADDED/AMENDED
Click [Next]

Your import has been validated - click OK

You can now see onscreen Supplier data you are about to import for review
  1. Action - tells you if this record is UPDATE or NO CHANGE
  2. Fields in GREEN are about to be UPDATED. You can click on these and see what the field was BEFORE import and what it will be AFTER import
When you are ready click [Import Data]

Confirm action [OK].

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