
Customers - Add a New Customer

Customers are the people you sell your products to

Select [New Customer]
Enter the Customer Name

Zedonk will stop you right away if the customer name you have entered already exists in your system.

Enter Customer General Details

1. ACCOUNT CODE - enter a unique identifier code (this might be used as Customer identifier into another system i.e. Joor)

2. ACCOUNT MANAGER - Select Account Manager for example your Sales Agent for the Customer. This pulls through from the Account Managers created in your System Settings. For more information, go to Customer Settings - Customer Account Manager

3. TYPE - Select between the 'Wholesale' and 'Consignment' options for the Customer Record. 

**If you have the option to manage Retail orders enabled on your system, you will also have the 'Retail' option available to create your Retail customer records. 

Any existing customers on your system in which you have previously raised sales orders for will be automatically set as 'Wholesale' customers once this is switched on.

You are not able to flip the customer 'Type' between Wholesale and Retail once a sales order has been raised for that customer in Zedonk.

4. CUSTOMER CATEGORY - select Category as entered in your company settings. For more information on Customer Categories

5. Zedonk will show the Price List linked to this Customer Category: Wholesale, RRP or Cost.

6. TERRITORY - select from territories entered in your company settings. For further information, on Customer Territories

7. PRIORITY - select Customer Priorities entered in your company settings. For more information on Customer Priorities

8. ON HOLD STATUS - select a customer on hold selecting the status from the dropdown. For further information on Customer On-Hold Status

9. You can record your customer's Website.

10. You can record your customer's Buying Office.

11. You can record your customer's Bank Details.

12. ORDER REFERENCE NUMBER - If your customer gives you a Vendor No and/or a Department No, you can enter it here to pull through to all Customer Documents

13. SHIPPING TERMS from a list you have created in your settings

14. ORDER COMMENTS - You can add comments here that will appear on all future Sales Orders and other sales documents for this customer.

15. SIGNATURE ON ORDER - Select Yes, if you want a specific line on this client Sales Order for them to physically sign.

16. PF EXPORT DECLARATION - Select an Export Declaration to populate on your Proformas from the dropdown. For more information on setting these: Proforma

17. IN EXPORT DECLARATION - Select an Export Declaration to populate on your Export Invoices from the dropdown. For more information on setting these: Invoice

18. Tick the box to record this is a Customer requiring EDI. This will show on your customer list and on your sales order list

19. This customer is marked ACTIVE. Deselect if you want to remove this customer from your records. (N.B. The customer will be removed from your list, but any sales orders previously raised for this customer will still be available in the Sales Order section).

If you would like further information on the option to manage retail orders in your system, please contact us at HELLO ZEDONK.

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