
Manufacturers - Add New Manufacturer

Manufacturers produce your products

Select [+New Manufacturer]

You have 4 tabs

Enter the information about your MANUFACTURER, SAVE AND CLOSE.

1. General Details

2. Address Contacts for Manufacturer

3. Agent - enter Manufacturer Agent details

4. Accounts - enter Manufacturer Accounts Dept details

Enter Manufacturer General Details

1. Manufacturer Name - this will go on the Production Order

2. Choose Manufacturer Category - for more information on Product Settings - Manufacturer Categories

3. Select purchasing currency - if you have multi-currencies in Zedonk you can select the currency that you use to buy from this Manufacturer N.B. This is Mandatory - if you have one currency only it will autofill with your default currency

4. MID Code -  this will automatically appear all relevant Production Costings and Export Invoices - for more information about manufacturer MID Code

5. Enter agreed Payment Terms - this will go to Production Order

6. Enter agreed Shipper - this will go to Production Order

7. Enter agreed Shipping Terms - this will go to Production Order

8. Website - enter your Manufacturer's web address

9. Comments - enter any internal information for this Manufacturer

Example of General Details

Enter Address/Contacts

It is mandatory to select a COUNTRY in order to save the MANUFACTURER record. The country selected in the address section will populate to COUNTRY OF ORIGIN on the PRODUCTS page and on the EXPORT invoices.

1. Select the country for the Manufacturer

2. Add main address for the Manufacturer - this will go on the Production Order

3. & 4. You can add up to 2 general contacts for this Manufacturer

Enter Agent details if applicable
Enter Account details

If the SAVE button is greyed out - check you have selected a mandatory field i.e. CURRENCY - update and then click SAVE

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