
Stock Allocation - Running the Pick

You can run the pick at the beginning of the stock allocation process - all the relevant closing stock units will be allocated to all the orders selected to pick. 

Or you can select certain orders and then run the pick - all the available products will be allocated to the selected orders

This will not create actual Pick Tickets yet! You can always rewind this process, change your selection before creating the Pick Tickets, or save your allocated quantities and return later on to resume the allocation and proceed to create your Pick Tickets/ Delivery Notes. 

From the '[PICK]' Menu: Select 'Pick'

The Pick menu allows you to perform an automatic pick.

When you run an automatic pick, the module will take the first size for the first product and work down through the orders as you have arranged them on this screen, allocating the stock.

Each order will get as much stock for that size as required until there are no more items of that size left - or it has run out of orders to put the stock on.

It will then repeat this process with the next size and the next product until all the products have been processed.

The process is no different to you manually entering the quantity on each order/product/size... only it is a lot quicker!

A pop-up will show whilst running your pick, and your quantities will be allocated to your selected orders as per the below example:

To SAVE your allocated stock, but not raise a pick ticket, click [Save]:

The allocated/picked quantities will still be listed on the allocation screen as the pick ticket hasn't yet been raised. 

The 'Allocated Stock' column in the Allocation page list view will reflect the saved quantities. This will also reflect in your product stock inventory in the 'Allocated Stock' Column. 

*The allocated quantities will remain included in your closing stock values as you are still holding this stock.

To Re-Open saved allocation quantities:

If any sales order quantities of saved allocated quantities have been amended on the order. The saved allocated quantities will update to mirror the quantities on the sales order.

Select the quantities you want to further allocate product quantities to/raise pick tickets/ delivery notes for, then click [Next] to proceed to the allocation screen. 

You'll be taken through to the allocation screen as before, and you will see the saved allocated quantities shown per product for you to resume working on.

When reopening saved allocation quantities, the following pop-up will appear: 

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