This dashboard was created to help track and manage key product inventory data.
It brings together important details like the total number of closing stock units, their cost, alongside units and costs for Pick Ticket and Delivery Note movements.
It also highlights how inventory is distributing across product categories, and flags the number of products with negative closing and projected stock.
By consolidating this information in one place, it provides teams with a clearer view of performance, helping to spot trends, spark conversations, and quickly address any concerns.
Note, some of the widgets have Large Number Formatting switched on. (rounded to 2 dp)
1. "Closing QTY" - Total quantity of Closing Stock Units.
2. "Closing Cost" - Total cost of Closing Stock Units.
3. "QTY by Location ( >Season)" - Breakdown of Closing Stock units across inventory locations.
4. "Pick Ticket QTY" - Total quantity of units on Pick Tickets.
5. "Pick Ticket Cost" - Total cost of Pick Ticket quantities.
6. "DN Un-Shipped QTY" - Total quantity of units on Delivery Notes.
7. "DN Un-Shipped Cost" - Total cost of Delivery Note quantities.
8. "Consignment QTY" - Total quantity of units out on Consignment.
9. "Consignment Cost" - Total cost of Consignment quantities.
10. "Closing - High Stock Styles" - Visual representation of high Closing stock styles in descending order.
11. "Stock Status ( >Manufacturer >Style >Colour)" - An overview of key stock movements per season.
12. "Negative Closing" - Count of products with negative Closing Stock quantities.
13. "Negative Projected" - Count of products with negative Projected Stock quantities.
14. "Available - High Stock Styles" - Visual representation of high Available stock styles in descending order.
15. "Product Category 1" - Breakdown of Closing stock units by Product Category 1.
16. "Product Category 2" - Breakdown of Closing stock units by Product Category 2.
17. "Product Category 3" - Breakdown of Closing stock units by Product Category 3.
18. "Product Category 4" - Breakdown of Closing stock units by Product Category 4.
19. "Product Category 5" - Breakdown of Closing stock units by Product Category 5.
20. "Closing Stock Alert" - Count of products which have reached their Stock Alert threshold for Closing Stock.
21. "Projected Stock Alert" - Count of products which have reached their Stock Alert threshold for Projected Stock.
22. "Closing vs Available" - Closing Stock vs Available Stock levels comparison.
23. "Available QTY" - Total quantity of Available Stock units.
24. "Available Cost" - Total cost of Available Stock units.
25. "Closing" - Table breaking down Closing stock units, alongside their cost, WSP, and RRP values.
26. "Available to Sell" - Table breaking down Available stock units, alongside their cost, WSP, and RRP values.