This dashboard was created to help track and review main Costs and Revenue data.
It brings together important details like the total invoiced revenue by customer and month, as well as invoice and proforma due dates.
It also highlights how production and purchase orders are progressing, and their values. By consolidating this information in one place, it provides executive team members with an overview of performance, helping to spot trends, spark conversations, and quickly address any concerns.
Note, some of the widgets have Large Number Formatting switched on. (rounded to 2 dp)
1. "Invoiced Revenue ( >Customer)" - Total value on Invoices per Season.
2. "Invoiced Revenue by Month" - Total Invoice values split by the month on their 'Invoice Date'.
3. "Invoiced Breakdown ( >Customer)" - Breakdown of Invoice Values per season; broken down by Cost of Goods, Profit After Discount, Transport Charges and Sales Tax.
4. "Invoiced Breakdown by Month" - Breakdown of Invoice Values per season broken down by Cost of Goods, Profit After Discount, Transport Charges and Sales Tax; split by the month on their Invoice Date.
5. "Invoice Paid ( >Customer >Invoice Number)" - Summary of the total values of Invoices marked as 'Paid' (Yes), and invoices not yet marked as 'Paid' (No).
6. "Invoice Due Date" - List of Invoice Due Dates in ascending date order with reference of their invoice number and the value.
7. "Sales Overview ( >Customer)" - Overview of Sales Order values per season broken down by Proforma Value, Credit Value, Invoiced Value, and SO Value after Discount.
8. "SO Value by Currency ( >Customer)" - Split of Sales Order totals broken down by Currency.
9. "Proforma Paid ( >Customer >Proforma Number)" - Summary of the total values of Proformas marked as 'Paid' (Yes), and Proformas not yet marked as 'Paid' (No).
10. "Proforma Due Date" - List of Proforma Due Dates in ascending date order with reference of their invoice number and the value.
11. "On Hold - Sales Orders List" - List of Sales Orders 'On-Hold' with reference for the Balance to Invoice.
12. "Credit Applied ( >Customer >Credit Number)" - Total value of Credit Notes with the 'Credit Applied' flag applied.
13. "Production Overview ( >Manufacturer)" - Overview of total Production Cost against the 'In Transit' and 'Received' Values.
14. "Production Value by Currency ( > Manufacturer)" - Split of Production Order total values broken down by Currency.
15. "Materials PO Overview ( >Supplier)" - Overview of total Purchase Order Cost against the 'Received' Value.
16. "PO Value by Currency ( >Supplier)" - Split of Purchase Order totals broken down by Currency.