
Schedule Report - Create New

You can Schedule a report to be emailed automatically by Zedonk to one or more email addresses on a set date and time.

Make sure your user permissions settings allow you to Schedule Reports - to see how to do this - read this

Find and Select the report you want to be delivered to your inbox and click [Schedule]

NOTE you can Schedule a Custom Report if you wish -  for more information click here

Report Details

1. Enter Report Name

2. The drop down menu lets you select a different report to schedule (just in case you realise the one selected is not the one you wanted)

3. Select the SEASON for your Schedule Report to collect the data from

4. Select your FILTER rule from the dropdown, then set your filter value

Scheduled Reports will be sorted alphabetically. We suggest you start with your name or department in order to find it easily in the list.

Delivery Details

1- Enter the email address for the recipient

2- Enter the SUBJECT of the email which will be sent automatically (the email will be delivered from [email protected])

3- Enter the BODY of the email

4- Enter the name of the file (the file attached to the email will be a zipped .csv file)

Frequency and Time Range

1- Daily within a set time window (UK Time)

2- Weekly on a set day and within a set time window (UK Time)

3- Monthly on a set day and within a set time window (UK Time)

You can schedule any monthly date from the 1st to the 28th. Select 99 if you want the report to be scheduled for the last of each month.

When scheduling multiple reports, each report will need to be scheduled in a separate time slot.

Save + Close
Click on the schedule name in the list to make any amendments, copy or delete a schedule.

Back to your report list where you can see your scheduled reports sorted alphabetically in the folder SCHEDULED REPORTS.

The name of the report is followed by M if monthly, W if weekly and D if daily.

Click on the schedule name in the list to make any amendments, copy or delete a schedule.

Make any change and "Save+Close" to amend the schedule

"Close" to exit without saving

"Delete" to remove the schedule from the list

"Copy" to create a copy - then you can change name and settings for a different result.

The ZIP file is delivered to your email address from [email protected]
The ZIP file is delivered to your email address from noreply@zedonk.biz
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