
Reports - Export your Report

Find the report you want - you see this at the top of the screen

1. DISPLAY REPORT - displays data for this report on the screen below the headings

2. CSV - exports the data for this report directly into a .csv file

3. CSV (No Ccy Sym) - exports the data for this report directly into a .csv file and if there are currency values they will appear WITHOUT any symbol in the value cell. N.B. This is useful if you have entered your values in the European format i.e. €2456,00

4. EXCEL - exports the data for this report directly into an excel file

5. EXCEL (Styled) - exports the data for this report directly into an excel file with the filters added at the top of each column

6. EXCEL (Biff) - use if you are exporting a report into excel on a mac device

7. CUSTOMISE  - open this report in the customise screen - you can now make permanent changes to this report - read more here

8. SCHEDULE - click here to schedule this report to be sent to recipients on a regular basis - read more here

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