
Reports - Hide and Move Columns

Select the report you wish to work on....
Select the report you want to work on
You can display report first to see data included (but is it not essential)
To remove columns not needed right click on any header and select Columns from the Dropdown

Deselect the data you want to hide, click [Display Report] again to refresh

1. Header Action Dropdown - to access, right click any header

2. Columns - Columns selected will be included in the Report

3. Page Numbers  - Indicates the number of pages of available data included in the report

4. Page Size - Indicates the number of lines displayed, amend as needed

Move columns on the report

Drag and Drop any header from its original position to your preferred order

Drag and Drop any header from its original position to where you want it to be
Download report in excel format to retain formatting amendments
Next Article Reports - Filter, Group and Sort