
Stock Allocation - Managing Order Selection

You have run your pick - now you can select orders that you would like to generate Pick Tickets and/or Delivery Notes.

Click [Selections] to view the options for the selection process
'Select All Orders'

Selects ALL the orders when you raise Pick Tickets/Delivery Notes.

'Deselect All Orders'

No orders will be available to raise Pick Tickets/ Delivery Notes for.

The orders will be greyed out

N.B. Deselecting an order only affects it within this pick allocation module; this is not the same as making an order inactive on the order screen in Zedonk.

'Select Only Orders...'

Allows you to create Pick Tickets/Delivery Notes for orders where you have fulfilled over a certain %

This is what you see ....

1. Select the criteria for calculating the % you have selected

2. Enter the %

This example shows a selection where this PICK plus other PT's and Unshipped DN's = 50%

You can run more than one selection by ticking the box at the bottom to leave on any previous selections.

Only orders that are selected will have Pick Tickets/Delivery Notes generated

When you have made your selection the screen show orders selected and greys out orders not selected

Swap Selected/Deselected
Swap Selected/Deselected

Reverses the selection  you've made, e.g. if you selected the below initially: 

The selection would swap as follows: 

'Include Products...'

Select 'All' or include 'By Category', for the 'By Category' option, the following pop up options will appear for you to select accordingly:

Exclude Products...

Select 'All' or include 'By Category', for the 'By Category' option, the following pop up options will appear for you to select accordingly:

Clear Allocations from....

Removes all products that have been allocated to orders making them available to allocate to other orders. You can choose whether the allocations are cleared from selected orders, deselected orders, or all listed orders.

Remove Deselected Orders

This action will remove all deselected orders and their allocations from the allocation screen, once clicked:

Confirm the action by clicking [OK]

E.g. the following orders were deselected (greyed out):

Then once confirmed, the deselected orders have gone and any products allocated to them are now available to pick again for other orders

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Next Article Stock Allocation - Create Pick Tickets/ Delivery Notes