
Forgotten Password - Password Reset

You are at the LOG IN page  - you cannot remember your password or Zedonk is telling you that it is incorrect - you can reset your own password provided the email you enter is the registered email for that user name.

Click [Forgot Password]

This message will pop up on your screen - click [OK]

If you are not receiving the password reset email once completing the above steps. This would mean the email address registered to your user does not match what is present in the user details. Please contact your system administrator internally to update this via the system settings. Once updated, you can repeat the above steps. 

Enter USER NAME and enter either ....

NEW PASSWORD - enter a new password - read the RULES ! or you can enter your old password


You can click on the EYE symbol to see the password

This message will pop up on your screen - click OK - and you will now be logged in and on the HOME SCREEN

If you enter an email address that is NOT registered to that USER NAME this is what you see

Complete the form and click CONTACT SUPPORT and a message will be sent to the Zedonk HelpDesk

This message will pop up on your screen - click OK and HelpDesk will send a reply to your given email address

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