
Book Out - Email Docket to Manufacturer

Email Production Orders directly from Zedonk to Manufacturers

To email Production Orders, at least one email template for Production Orders needs to be listed in your settings, for more information on creating email templates

From Production Order List View locate the Production Order you wish to email
Click the email icon from List View to send
Or within the Production Order, from [Actions] dropdown select [Email]
Select corresponding Template from Dropdown
Amend template as required
Select up to two documents to attach

When you click on the settings cog, you will get the additional print options for the relevant document for you to amend if needed, once amended click [OK] to save:

Once form is complete, click [Send]
The black envelope indicates this documents has been sent
Your manufacturer will receive an email like the below examples (depending on your email subject and body)

For documents with attachment files totalling to less than 50Mb, the documents will be sent as attachments for your manufacturers to download: 

For documents with attachment files totalling to more than 50Mb, Zedonk will generate a download link to include in the email for your manufacturers to access via the pin in the email:

where they can then download the selected attachments: 

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