
Book Out - Add Production Order from Production Book Out / Book In

Used when creating Production Orders to a Manufacturer in advance of Sales Orders

Production Book In / Book Out is part of the Inventory Module and is an optional add-on. Click here HELLO ZEDONK for more information about the Inventory Module

Select [+ New Production Order]
Select the Manufacturer from the dropdown, click [Create]
Docket Details

1. Manufacturer Address - as listed on Manufacturer entry, click [Pencil Icon] to amend. For more information on Adding a Manufacturer

2. Ship To Address - as listed as the Default Address in Company Settings, click [Pencil Icon] to amend or select from Multiple Ship Tos.

3. Creation Date - click to select a different date.

4. Docket Reference - add a specific Docket Reference if required

5. Delivery Dates

6. Add Shipper and Shipping Terms

7. Payment Terms - pulled from Manufacturer entry, can be amended

8. Manufacturer Confirmed - note once the Manufacturer confirms receipt of the order and the date




Use Quick Add to select Products from dropdown

Or [+ Advanced Add] for additional details and filtering options

Click the Tick Box  to select Products you wish to add to the Production Order, or click [Select All Displayed] to add all Products

Add Quantities to each and amend Actual Cost if needed

Save and Close
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