
Product Stock Inventory - What is Closing Stock, Available to Sell and Projected Stock?

Closing Stock

Closing Stock is all physical stock you have on hand in your warehouse not listed on Pick Tickets/Delivery Notes. This can include Available To Sell stock as well as stock required for open Sales Orders

Closing Stock = Opening Stock + Adjustments + Received - Pick Tickets - DNs Shipped - DNs Unshipped

Stock moved to another season will not be visible on Product Stock Inventory list view, it can be viewed by clicking Projected Stock figure and listed as Closing Balance Transfer. For more information on Moving Stock To Another Season


Available stock is physical stock you have on hand in your warehouse that is not required for open Sales Orders

Available = Opening + Adjustments + Received - Sold (+ Closed SO)


Projected Stock is a summary of your future stock position once all stock has been received from Production Orders and all Sales Orders have been fulfilled in full

Projected = Opening Stock + Adjustments + Received - Sold - Seasonal Stock Movement

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