
Product Stock Inventory - Closing Stock - Raise Sales Order

Add your Closing Stock to a Sales Order i.e. at the end of the season when you have completed all your deliveries but not force closed all Sales Orders and want to sell what you have left.

Closing Stock is not the same at Available to Sell - be sure that CLOSING is the stock you want to sell. For more information on adding Available To Sell stock to a Sales Order

From the Reports dropdown select [Closing Stock]
Now you see all products with Closing stock quantities - select the products for the Sales Order by ticking on the left hand side or Select All
From [X Selected] click [New Sales Order]
Select the client from the drop down list and click [OK]
The order screen appears with the selected products already on the order and shows the Total Closing Stock quantity next to the product

You can manually change the quantity of products included on the Sales Order if you are not selling the full amount

[Save + Close]
Your order is now visible on the ORDER LIST VIEW and the quantities have been removed from your CLOSING STOCK
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