
Product Stock Inventory - Stock Check - Need to conduct with multiple users?

You may need help from other team members/Zedonk users to complete your stock check. If so, they can join your stock check, count their own quantities with you, and Zedonk will sum up your counts when submitting your stock take.

All users will need to have the 'Stock Check' permissions enabled within their user permissions.

If multiple team members are counting stock, they will be able to go into the same season > [Stock Check] > select [Join Stock Check]

**If you are a user on a system with Multi Location, you will need to also insure that you have selected the applicable inventory location in which the inventory is being counted, before you have the option to join a stock check.

When the other user joins the stock take they will be able to see any previously counted quantities on the stock take.

Quantities the other user/s count will need to be added to any existing stock check quantities.  (e.g. if 10 units are counted from the other user/s, and the other user has counted an additional 5 units, the other user would need to apply 15 units as the 'Stock Count')

Click 'Current Users' to view the users in your current stock count. (where you see the green tick means that the user is currently in that stock count)

Once done with your stock check, click [Submit]

**If submitting the Stock Check with multiple users present, you will need to first Force them out so they cannot enter any further quantities:

select [Force Out Users]

Type in 'FORCE OUT' in capitals to confirm + click [OK]

Choose how you would like any blank product rows to be treated

> '... are ignored (no stock adjustments made)' - no changes to inventory will be made to products with no counted quantities against them.

> '... are treated as zero quantity' - products with no counted quantities against them will be adjusted to have 0 units closing stock.

Click [Continue]
A stock discrepancy report will then be downloaded for your records
Enter an Adjustment Description for the stock check + click [Perform Action]
Closing Stock levels will be set accordingly and Adjustments created on the products

Adjustments created will be based on the discrepancy between the old closing stock levels and the new stock count

*Additional Tips*
To view any existing running Stock Checks in your System

Select [Stock Check] > [View Running Stock Checks]

Click [OK] to close

If not yet ready to submit your Stock Check, click [Leave Stock Check]
To continue your existing Stock Check

Head back into the Product Stock Inventory list view within the same season > select [Stock Check] > [Continue Stock Check]

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