
Raw Materials Inventory - Main Inventory - The List View

The Main Inventory is Raw Material you currently have on your premises. Main Inventory allows you to manage/view your total raw material requirements and stock held at your premise

1. Opening

Stock you had on hand at the beginning of a season. It can be added in two ways:

- Moved from another Season

- Added to the current Season

2. Adjustments

Adjustments made through the season. The figure shown in the TOTAL of all adjustments - click on figure to see breakdown

For more information on Adjustments

3. Sold Required

Total Quantity required to product ALL units listed on Sales Orders.

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

4. Production Required

Total Quantity required to product ALL units listed on Production Orders.

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

5. Combined Required

Combined Required is the actual amount required to fulfil the higher of Sales or Production Orders, minus any Opening Stock and Adjustments

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

6. Purchased Quantity

Purchased Quantity is Raw Materials ordered on a Purchase Order

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

7. Received

Quantities Booked In from a Purchase Order

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

8. Dispatched Out

Raw Material quantities listed on Dispatch Notes to Manufacturers

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

9. Transferred In

Raw Materials that have been transferred from the Manufacturer Inventory back to Main Inventory

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

10. Closing

Closing Stock is stock you currently have on hand at any one time

This figure looks at Opening Stock + Qty booked in against Purchase Orders - Dispatched Out

11. Projected

Projected Stock is a forecast of what your stock position will be after all actions are performed calculated from Comb. Req. - Purchase Order Qty

Negative Figure indicates that you will be short,  Positive Figure indicates you will have a surplus -N.B. this does NOT include unallocated stock held at your manufacturer.

12. MFR Stock

Manufacturer Stock shows you the net stock balance at your factories - we call this unallocated stock

You can click on the figure to see a breakdown of the calculation

13. Dispatch Notes

Dispatch Notes shows all active Dispatch Notes to all Manufacturers for the season

For more details on Dispatch Notes

14. Manufacturer Inventory

Manufacturer Inventory shows stock levels at Manufacturers for the season

For more details on Manufacturer Inventory

Next Article Raw Materials Inventory - Main Inventory - Show Stock Value