
Raw Materials Inventory - Dispatch Notes - List View

Raw Material Stock Inventory is part of the Inventory Module and is an optional add-on. Click here HELLO ZEDONK for more information about the Inventory Module.

The Dispatch Notes List View shows you an overview of all Dispatch Notes created and how they were created.

1. Dispatch Number - Dispatch Note Number

2. From - Location Inventory Materials are Dispatched from

3. To - Location Materials were sent

4. Dispatch Reference

5. Type - You can now see how the Dispatch Note was Created. There are four creation methods

i. Dispatch Note - Created Manually from Main to MFR, MFR to Main or MFR to MFR

ii. Dispatch Note (Docket: xxxxxx) - Created against Production Order

iii. PO Delivery (PO-xxxxx/x, reference) - Automatically created when booking in PO direct to Manufacturer

iv. Stock Adjustment and Opening Stock - Historical Dispatch Notes and this can now be actioned within Manufacturer Inventory

6. Date - Date when the Dispatch Note was Created

7. Season - The Season where the Dispatch Note was Created

8. + New Dispatch Note - for more details on creating a Dispatch Note

You can now manage your Raw Materials Inventory - Main (previously Local) as well the Raw Materials inventory held at  Manufacturers. You are therefore, now able to see the Location of where the Raw Materials was sent From and Received To, on the List View.

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