
Raw Materials Inventory - Manufacturer Inventory - Move Stock from Another Season

Transferring or copying closing stock figures from Manufacturer Inventory from previous seasons

Before transferring any stock, you will need to ensure that all relevant products have been brought forward into the new season and are VISIBLE in that season. You can do this via Set Season Visibility

From the Manufacturer Inventory dropdown select [Move Stock From Another Season]
Select from the Season Dropdown the Season and the Manufacturer you wish to move RM Stock from
The List View then shows the Raw Materials within season at the selected Manufacturer with positive Unallocated Stock

Unallocated is RM currently at the Manufacturer NOT required to produce units listed on Production Orders

You can manually type quantities you wish to move...
Or select [Autofill from Unallocated] to autofill all quantity from Unallocated
Once units are confirmed, click [Move/Copy]
Determine if you wish to Move or Copy Inventory...

Move will move the quantities from previous season to Opening Stock of new season selected

Copy will COPY the quantities from the previous season to Opening Stock of new season selected while leaving the quantities also in previous season, essentially doubling your Inventory figures

Quantities will now now show in Stock Moved column...

... and will now show as Opening at selected Manufacturer

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