
Raw Material Inventory - Main Inventory - Data Import - Stock Count

Update your Raw Materials Inventory figures using a bulk report. You can make global changes to your existing closing stock figures

Select the Raw Materials that you want to include in Stock Count

If you want to include products that have not had any activity against remove 'With Movement' filter

With Raw Materials selected, click [X Selected] and select [Export Stock Count]
Open the .csv file and enter the correct stock figure in the <Stock Count> column

When you have finished, save and close your .csv file

From Raw Materials Inventory - Main Inventory dropdown, select [Data Import - Stock Count]
Drag and Drop updated .csv file, click [Next] to proceed

First screen validates that headers listed on the file match exactly headers within Zedonk, if no errors are visible click [Next] to proceed

The next page validates all lines within the import to check for errors, if no errors are listed select [Import Data] to complete import
If errors occur on Validation screen, you will see an error message

To proceed, you can deselect the line causing error and [Import Data]

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