
Raw Material Inventory - Main Inventory - Data Import - Stock Alert

Select the Raw Materials that you want to include in the export or [Select All]
With Products selected, click [X Selected] and select [Export Stock Alert]
Open the .csv file and enter the minimum alert figure in the <Stock Alert Qty> column
Open the .csv file and enter the minimum alert figure in the <Stock Alert Qty> column

When you have finished, save and close your .csv file

From Raw Materials Inventory - Main Inventory dropdown, select [Data Import - Stock Alert]
Drag and Drop updated .csv file, click [Next] to proceed

First screen validates that headers listed on the file match exactly headers within Zedonk, if no errors are visible click [Next] to proceed

The next page validates all lines within the import to check for errors, if no errors are listed select [Import Data] to complete import
Click [OK] to complete the import

Stock below alert level will now have an alert symbol displayed

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