
Raw Materials Inventory - Manufacturer Inventory - The List View

Manufacturer Inventory gives you insight into material sent and available at different Manufacturers

Select Manufacturer from the Dropdown to an overview of RM on hand and movement for the season

1. Manufacturer - select specific Manufacturer to see specific materials at each

2. Opening - Stock on hand at Manufacturers at the  beginning of the season, either Copy/Moved from a Previous Season or added to the current season

3. Adjustments - Adjustments to stock levels at Manufacturer

4. Production - RM required for units listed on Production Orders

5. Closed Production - RM listed on closed units from a Production Order marked as Forced Closed

6. Transferred In - RM received at Manufacturer

7. Dispatched Out - Any units listed on a Dispatch Note from this Manufacturer to another location, either Main Inventory or another Manufacturer

8. Unallocated - RM currently at the Manufacturers NOT required for Production

9. On PO to MFR - RM listed on Purchase Orders raised Direct to Manufacturer

10. Manufacturer Inventory - Dropdown

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