
NuORDER Connector

- Customer information, product information, main product images, and Available to Sell stock levels are pushed from Zedonk to NuOrder

- Finalised sales orders go from NuOrder back into Zedonk

Important Requirements for the interface to work correctly:

1- All products must have a BARCODE number (Barcode Module required) both in Zedonk and NuOrder - Only products with barcode numbers will go from Zedonk to NuOrder through the connector.

2- Customer Name in Zedonk will reflect into both Customer Name and Customer Code in NuOrder. These need to match exactly in order for the orders to come back to Zedonk correctly. It is best to always create clients in Zedonk and push/export to NuOrder through the connector.



'Settings' > 'Settings'

1. Import Order Season: Select the season the orders will need to import into. (this would need to be updated for each season)

2. Import Order Approved: When ticked, Sales Orders Imported from Nu Order will be APPROVED in Zedonk. Then vice-versa if unticked.

3. Order Owner: Choose from a Zedonk user name - this will be the "Order Owner" for sales orders imported from Nu Order.


click [Save] once complete.


Create your catalogue tree, start by clicking '+ Season'

Type the name for this section - This will show in NuOrder as the "Season" --> OK

or Click 'OK & Add Another' to save this Section/Season Folder and create another, or 'OK & Go In' to proceed with creating the subsections for this folder (as the next step below)

Within the season section, select '+ Department'

Type the name of this section - This will show in NuORDER as the "Department" --> OK

Add all the Departments required.

Within the folder you have just created i.e. "handbags" and select '+ Category'

Type the name of this section - This will show in NuORDER as the "Category" --> Save

Add all the Categories required.

Within the category folder i.e. "Totes" and select '+ Add Product'

If needed, you can continue making subsections within the category and add products to those. The catalogue structure will look something like the following: 

To add Products to the Category

Select the season and use the filters to isolate the products you want to add to this category --> select the items individually or click "Select All Displayed" --> 'Add X Products'

Find your products using any/all

1. Filter by season

2. Filter by Product Category

3. Enter data to search by

4. Click to 'Select All' listed products

5. Select individual products

6. To clear your displayed selection

7. Then click 'Add X Products'


The picture icon shows that you have a main image available for each product. It will be blank otherwise.

Complete your catalogue, then click on 'Actions' to proceed with performing your exports

Now you can push data from Zedonk to NuOrder

1. Task: Data - Export --> click EXPORT --> The following are sent to NuOrder: Product catalogue and product details. Customers details.

*prices for your products will be exported from the most recent season the product was visible in. 

2. Task: Images - Export --> click EXPORT --> Main images from the Product Costing page are sent to NuOrder.

3. Task: Orders - Import --> click IMPORT --> This is to import the orders previously approved in NuOrder.

4.  Task: Product - CSV Download --> Download a CSV file on all product present in the connector catalogue


Additional Option for Inventory Clients: 

- Task: Stock - Export --> click EXPORT --> Available to Sell stock figures for your products in your connector catalogue are sent to NuOrder. In your connector settings you can choose which seasons the inventory is taken from.  

Products without a barcode number in Zedonk will not be exported to Nu Order.


This is a log of every file exchanged between Zedonk and NuOrder. Files generated by Zedonk for Nuorder and files generated by NuOrder and collected by Zedonk.

Task, Status (Done or Error), Date/Time, and Details  -->  click on "+" for more information

This is the first section to check if anything does not seem correct, in order to investigate a problem and report it if necessary.

To filter by the task direction:

When you have made a selection of entries, from the selected menu you can:

1. Expand selected entries in bulk

2. Collapse selected entries in bulk

3. Export selected entry details to a CSV


Orders imported from Nu Order will be listed here.

The NuOrder order number will be listed in the "Order Reference" field.

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