
Digital Showroom - System Settings - Email Templates

Email templates need to be created in order to send out your line sheets and selections from Zedonk


  1. An example of the Zedonk address your customers will receive the email from
  2. Enter text into the field to represent the 'local' part of your Zedonk email address as exampled above
  3. Enter your brand name or what you would like to be shown in that section of the email
  4. Click 'Add' to create a new template
  5. Click 'Delete' to delete the selected template
  6. Tick this to show any templates you have made inactive
  7. Your templates will be listed here (only the active ones by default)
  8. Enter your template name here
  9. Enter the email addresses you would like to receive a copy of the email to
  10. Enter the email of the individual/s you would like to bcc in the Email
  11. Enter the email address/s to which you would like receive a response to
  12. Select to add the emails in the 'Default CC' field in the CC of any emails your contacts send in response to the one you sent out
  13. Enter the email subject
  14. Enter email template body copy
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