
General Settings - Seasons & Exchange Rates - Add New Season

Add seasons to your system and indicate the exchange rate for each (if using multiple currencies)

Additional currencies are an optional add on. For more information or to add any to your system please say HELLO ZEDONK

Your seasons in Zedonk will have Independent Product and Raw Material Visibility, Sales Orders, Production Orders, Purchase Orders, and Inventory.

From Seasons & Exchange Rates page click [+ New Season]
Enter the general details for the season
  1. Name of the season - This will appear on PDF documents
  2. Start Date - It defines the order of your seasons.
  3. Previous Season - Season from which exchange rates and cost/prices of products and materials are carried over.
  4. Delivery Period - This will appear on new Sales Orders by default.
  5. Delivery Start and Cancel Dates - These will appear on new Sales Orders by default
  6. Active - deselect Active to delete a season
  7. Show - Select Archive to leave a season as active but remove from Season dropdown
Enter the exchange rates for the season

The exchange rate for the previous season will be listed as default, click the rate field to update

[Save] the new season and confirm if you want to change season
View Season Log for record of all changes made
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