
Xero Connector (API) - Sync

Connect to Xero and Perform your first SYNC

Connect to Xero
Login to Xero

Enter your Xero Username and Password

And click [Allow access]

Due to security measures with Xero's API, you will need to log in after every sync you perform on the connector.

To test the connection between Zedonk and Xero once connected

The 'Test Connection Results' will show whether the test was successful:

For your first SYNC, sync your CUSTOMERS only

If you have customers in Xero with account numbers, you will need to ensure these are entered in Zedonk as the 'Account Code' for your customer records.

Any customers in Zedonk with names+/account codes that don't exist in Xero will be created as new Customer records in Xero.

You can review errors within the 'Export Results' field- in this example....

The Customer record will not be created in Xero if their accounts contact email address is incorrect. (i.e. the email address in the example is missing the correct email format).

Read through the Export Results to make sure you see any exceptions. Then you can modify accordingly within Zedonk before making another Sync.

You can copy and paste your full export results and send them to us on the helpdesk for further support on them if unsure.

Please note: For Customer records newly exported from Zedonk to Xero - an additional value will be applied to any existing account codes/ blank account codes to ensure that the customers in Xero all have unique account codes when exported from Zedonk. (E.g. Z_000000_XXXXXX or just Z_000000_XXXXXX.)

You would therefore need to copy and paste this code back into Zedonk to ensure that the two values match between systems to allow for the Invoices and Credit notes to Export. 

Now you see how it works, you can select your data to be exported as required.

1. Tick if you want to export/create and/or check Zedonk customer records with Xero. Remember that the customer needs to exist in Xero to receive documents and that the customer name in Zedonk is the controlling one.

2. Tick to create Invoices in Xero. You can filter by a selection of numbers that should match your invoice numbers from Zedonk or you can enter 00000 - 99990 if you are using the modified date only. N.B. Enter the correct number of '9' to match the number of digits in your invoices. i.e. if your invoices are 2019001 - you will enter 9999999

3. Tick to create Credit Notes in Xero. You can filter by a selection of numbers that should match your credit note numbers from Zedonk or you can enter 00000 - 99990 if you are using the modified date only. N.B. Enter the correct number of '9' to match the number of digits in your credit notes. i.e. if your credit notes are 2019001 - you will enter 9999999

4. Tick to export only unlocked or locked documents. Or both. You can lock documents in Zedonk and restrict users from amending them after they are locked. Read here for more info

5. Add an additional date filter to only export documents created/modified on or after a specific date. Useful also to restrict export in regard to sales tax submission dates/ end of year submission - can match your lock dates in Xero.

N.B. You do not have to select all items you can chose what you export using tick boxes and/or modification date.

6. Save Settings so you don't have to repeat your choices each time and also so that you see the last date selection

When you are finished, you can click 'Synchronise'
Here's an example

SYNC of Invoices only (Locked and Unlocked) created or modified after the 1st of October 2016

Review the results which will show succesful entries and possibly some errors - for more detailed information about error messages read this

inactive records will not be exported:

In Xero you now have an invoice!

1. This is the Description you entered in the PRODUCT EXPORTING form

2. Summary of number of products on Invoice/Credit Note

3. Nominal Account Name you entered in the PRODUCT EXPORTING form

4. Tax Rate - confirms the tax rate according to the invoice.

5. Account - Tracking #1

6. Tracking #2 - populates with the season name from Zedonk

7. PDF of invoice/credit note is show as uploaded here

8. Due date - this will populate if you have entered a 'payment due date' on the invoice in Zedonk -  this would be pulling through from the Order Details tab of the Invoice.

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