
Quickbooks Connector (API) - Sync

Before you proceed with the Sync, please select as required and Save Settings.

1. Tick if you want to export/create and/or check Zedonk customer records with Quickbooks. Remember that the customer needs to exist in Quickbooks to receive documents and that the customer name in Zedonk is the controlling one.

2. Tick to create Invoices in Quickbooks. You can filter by a selection of numbers that should match your invoice numbers from Zedonk or you can enter 00000 - 99999 if you are using the modified date only. N.B. Enter the correct number of '9' to match the number of digits in your invoices. i.e. if your invoices are '2019001' - you will enter the same amount of characters '9999999'

3. Tick to create Credit Notes in Quickbooks. You can filter by a selection of numbers that should match your credit note numbers from Zedonk or you can enter 00000 - 99999 if you are using the modified date only. N.B. Enter the correct number of '9' to match the number of digits in your credit notes. i.e. if your credit notes are '2019001' - you will enter the same amount of characters '9999999'

4. Tick to export only unlocked or locked documents. Or both. You can lock documents in Zedonk and restrict users from amending them after they are locked. Read here for more info (at least one of these options needs to be selected in order to export your documents)

5. Add an additional date filter to export only documents created/modified on or after a specific date. Useful also to restrict export in regard to sales tax submission dates/end-of-year submission - can match your close dates in Quickbooks.

N.B. You do not have to select all items you can choose what you export using tick boxes and/or modification date. 

6. Choose 'All' seasons, or a specific season from your system to export Invoices/ Credit Notes from.

7. Specify the 'Sales of Product Income' & 'Discounts Given' chart of accounts name when sending invoices and credit notes to Quickbooks.

If these fields are left blank, the first Sales of Product Income account in your Quickbooks account will be used.

Click 'Save' so you don't have to repeat your choices each time and also so that you see the last date selection

N.B. It is possible that you will get an error message when running your first sync for invoices/credit notes. Please ignore this and run the sync again and it should work correctly.

Sync Examples:
To Proceed:

1. Sync your Customers

If the names match - the system will recognise this and no changes will be made in Quickbooks from Zedonk for that customer.

If any customers exist in Zedonk but not yet in Quickbooks their records will be created in Quickbooks.

Set your Export Settings for this by selecting the 'Export Customers' and 'Check Existing Customers' fields > then click 'Synchronise'

2. Sync your first invoices +/ credit notes to Quickbooks. 

Set your Export Settings for this > click 'Synchronise'

The mapping of Zedonk Customer addresses to Quickbooks Customer addresses are as follows:

Zedonk > Quickbooks

Zedonk: Accounts Address > Quickbooks: Billing Address

Zedonk: Delivery Address > Quickbooks: Shipping Address


**If multiple 'Store Addresses' are on the Customer record in Zedonk:

Zedonk: Store 1 > Quickbooks: Shipping Address

Zedonk: Store 2 > Quickbooks: Billing Address

Example SYNC results of Invoices (Locked and Unlocked) created or modified after the 1st of October 2016, across all seasons

Only invoice actions selected

Unlocked and locked documents selected to export

Modified after date set

'All' Seasons selected

'Sales of Product Income' + 'Discounts Given' account name fields left blank first chart of accounts will be applied in Quickbooks.

After Your First Sync - Confirm Nominal Groups of your Products and Services

This would only need to be performed after the first sync to your Quickbooks account.


From the Quickbooks home click 1. 'Sales & Expenses' > 2. 'Products and Services' >


You should then see the options you set for: 

- Zedonk Discount

- Zedonk Freight Charge

- Zedonk Products


... listed in the area. - 3. click 'Edit' on each one

From the drop-down list at INCOME ACCOUNT - select the relevant nominal group then 'Save and close'. (e.g. for 'Zedonk Products' Repeat for FREIGHT and DISCOUNT.

Once your first Sync has been performed, you can sync your customers, invoices, and/or credit notes as required.

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