
Fortnox Connector (API) - Sync

After connecting to Fortnox, you will need to synchronise your customers only for your first sync. Select 'Export Customers' and/or 'Check Existing Customers' options.

Click 'Synchronise'.

Now you see how the connector works, you can select your data to be exported as required.

Click 'Save' so you don't have to repeat entering your settings and rules each time.

When you are finished, click 'Synchronise'.
Export Result Example:

Sync of Invoices and Credit Notes (Unlocked and Locked) created or modified after the 1st of May 2018.

Note: inactive records are not exported to Fortnox.

If you see an 'Error' message in logs, please investigate, resolve, and re-sync.

In Fortnox you now have an invoice!

1. This is the Description you entered in the Generic Product Name.

2. Summary of the number of products on Invoice/Credit Note.

3. Sales Account Code entered on Settings.

4. Tax Rate - confirms the tax rate according to the Invoice/Credit Note.

5. Order Ref, Customer Ref, Payment Terms, Shipping Terms, Shipper, and Tracking information from the Invoice/Credit Note is inputted into this box.

6. Due Date - this will populate if you have entered a due date on the invoice in Zedonk - to know how to do this click here

7. Discount Value on the Invoice/Credit Note.

Previous Article Fortnox (API) - Set up and Test Connection