
V2. (3) Shopify Connector - Sales Order Import

For all currencies you process payment in for your orders via Shopify, you will need to have the same currencies enabled in Zedonk to allow for your orders to import successfully. Please contact us at HELLO ZEDONK to find out more.

Sale in Shopify

With the V2 Connector: When a sale has been submitted in Shopify,  a retail order is created in Zedonk.

With the V3 Connector: When a sale has been submitted in Shopify, a retail order and an automatic adjustment will be created in Zedonk.

For support on how sales adjustments will pull through with the connector.

Retail Order in Zedonk

PLEASE NOTE: If you have chosen your orders to import as approved, this WILL reflect in your inventory as SOLD.

If you have chosen your orders to import as unapproved, this will NOT reflect in your inventory as SOLD.

The Order will Import into your 'Orders' area as follows:

If you have selected the option for any subdocuments to be generated once the retail order is imported, these will be available to you via that order's Order Tracker.

How the Sales Orders will look

The Order will look as follows when opened:

1. The Order Currency will be the currency in which your orders have been accepted as in the Shopify backend. If you accept payment in multiple currencies, you will need to have these currencies in Zedonk for the orders to import accordingly.

For more information on additional currencies/price lists please contact us at HELLO ZEDONK.

2. The Shopify order number will import as the 'Order Reference'.

3. The Shopify order's customer name will import as the 'Customer Reference'.

4. The Customer's Delivery Address will import as the order's 'Delivery Address'.

5. The Customer's Billing Address will import as the order's 'Accounts Address'. 

If "use a different billing address" is not selected when the order is submitted this address will be the same as the Shipping Address.

6. The Order Tag selected in your order import settings will pull through accordingly.

7. The Order Owner selected in your order import settings will pull through accordingly.

8. If you have selected the option for your Retail orders to import as approved, the order will import accordingly and vice versa.

9. If you have unticked the option for your Retail orders to import as unlocked, the order will import accordingly and vice versa.

How COMMENTS will appear

Where this pulls from in Shopify......


To report on your retail orders, you can reference either of the below reports for example:

'Full Order' Report ('Reports' > 'System Reports' > 'Sales' > 'Orders' > 'Full Order')

'Full Order Product' Report ('Reports' > 'System Reports' > 'Sales' > 'Orders' > 'Full Order Product')

'Full Order Product Size' Report ('Reports' > 'System Reports' > 'Sales' > 'Orders' > 'Full Order Product Size')

Then you can filter by your chosen Shopify/Retail order tag.

You can then export your filtered report as required.

For more support on the reports area

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