
Shopify Connector - V0 - Create your Catalogue

Create a catalogue of all Products you want to Export to or Sync with Shopify.

You must create the catalogue whether you are planning to use the PRODUCT EXPORT or the PRODUCT ID SYNC option.

1. Go to CONNECTORS > Shopify Connector > Catalogue
2. Click on '+ Type'
3. Type in a Section/ Type NAME + Click 'OK'

Click the 'OK & Add Another' button to add another Linesheet Name/ 'OK & Go In' to move onto the season name options for the Linesheet you are in.

Note that you can make a section non-exportable by unticking the 'Exportable' box. While you may not need to use this option when you initially build your catalogue, you may use it later to exclude certain sections from being synchronised with your Shopify store. Apart from making a section non-exportable, you can also make an individual product non-exportable.

Whatever you enter in the Product Type field will populate as PRODUCT TYPE in Shopify (only if you are using the PRODUCT EXPORT action), as per the screenshot below:

4. Product Types

Create all the Product Types you require.  You can use existing Shopify Product Types or create new ones, which will generate in Shopify when the Product Export is run.

5. Within the relevant Product Type folder, then click ADD PRODUCTS
6. Adding Products

Use the filters to isolate the products you are after, then click SEARCH > Select > Add X Products

Find your products using any/all

1. Filter by season

2. Filter by Product Category

3. Enter data to search by

4. Click to 'Select All' listed products

5. Select individual products

6. To clear your displayed selection

7. Then click 'Add X Products'


The picture icon shows that you have a main image available for each product. It will be blank otherwise.

7. Building your Product Catalogue

Repeat for each Product Type - you are now building your Product Catalogue.

Products will be listed within each type folder as follows:

8. Edit Product Data in the Catalogue

Click on each product and type the required text in the available fields.

You have the option to assign a different 'Shopify Title', a more detailed 'Description' or add a 'Markdown Price' to each product before proceeding with the Product Export.

or from the catalogue product's list view click 'Edit'

And enter new Shopify Titles and Descriptions in Bulk

...this will show in SHOPIFY in the below fields.

If you do not want to export any description and/or images, please check your connector settings.

If you have previously exported products and re-formatted the description text and/or images within Shopify, you do not want Zedonk to overwrite your work on the next export. Please check your connector settings.

9. Once finished, click on CONNECTORS at the top to return to Connectors Area
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