
Product Costing - Tab - Manufacturers

You can enter Multiple Manufacturers and Make Costs for each product - the first manufacturer you enter will automatically be your default manufacturer

Add Manufacturers, Prices, and other useful information

1. Choose Manufacturer from the drop-down list - for more information about creating Manufacturers

2. Country - pulls from Manufacturer record - you can change on Customs Data screen if you want a different Country of Origin

3. MID CODE - pulls from Manufacturer record

4. This is the currency you selected when you created the Manufacturer - you can change from the drop-down list if necessary - currency in product costing will go to Production Order

5. Enter your first/make cost - if you have multi-currency you will also see the make cost in your default currency using exchange rate

6. Exchange rate - this will auto-populate with seasonal rate created in General Settings - Seasons & Exchange Rates and for more general information on exchange rates click EXCHANGE RATES OVERALL

7. Enter notes about LEAD TIMES

8. Enter notes about MINIMUMS

9. Enter any INTERNAL COMMENTS that are useful

You can enter multiple Manufacturers for this product

Click on +ADD

The Manufacturer selected as default will go to FIRST/MAKE cost and production order

Enter additional Manufactures details and First/Make Cost

Tick the default Manufacturer

This will be the one that you want your production order to be assigned to - you can only have one default manufacturer

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