You can create product versions from the Product Costings area. Only one product version can be assigned per season. Once you create product versions you can easily compare product versions, and edit them in bulk.
Go to the Product then click the orange button with the version name (for example, "V1") to display the versioning area.
A new product version is created and assigned to the season you are working in. Click on the new version name icon (for example, "V2") now to review product versions.
Return to the Product Costing Edit view and enter your updates to the product in the version-specific fields (V) across the tabs.
General Details
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- Category 4
- Category 5
- Withdrawn
- Manufacturer
- Lead Time
- Minimums
- Internal Comments
- Default
Customs Data
- Textile Content
- Country of Origin
Raw Materials
- Raw Materials
- Sized Raw Materials
- Manufacturing Type
- Default Manufacturer
- Production Notes
- Labels
- Total Unit Cost (calculated automatically)
Learn how to make edits to product versions in bulk:
Learn how to change the version assigned to the season:
Learn how to delete a version:
Learn how to compare multiple versions: