
Product Costing - Tab - General

Enter Style | Fabric | Colour click [OK] when done

N.B.50 characters for style 20 for fabric 30 for colour

Enter Product Details
Select Product Category for this Product

You will only see these if you have created them in Product Settings - Product Categories Use the drop down to make your selection

Enter Product Description

Enter a description for this product - this goes to Sales Orders and Production Orders


Select the Size Category

Select your SIZE CATEGORY from categories created in Product Settings - Size Categories Use the drop down to make your selection

Product Status

GLOBAL - ACTIVE - product is active in al seasons it is visible - for more infirmation on ACTIVE / INACTIVE

SEASONAL STATUS - product is visible in this season  - for more infirmation on VISIBLE / INVISIBLE

WITHDRAWN - tick to withdraw product - for more information on WITHDRAWN PRODUCTS

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