
Product Costing - Tab - Sized Raw Materials

You can add a Raw Material to a Product and allocate different variants to different sizes within the Product

Within the Product, click on the Raw Materials Tab...
Within the Raw Materials tab, select [Sized Materials] to see Sized Materials tab...
To add the sized Raw Material, locate the material via the Quick Add dropdown...

Select the sizes and details for the Raw Material you wish to add

- Select which sizes of the Product you want to Raw Material to be added to

- Select which variants of the Raw Material you wish to be added

Enter the quantity for each size and select the Material Type label to display

Select [OK] to add

... or search for the Raw Material via the Advanced Add function

Select one variant and click [Add]

Select the sizes you wish to add the Raw Material to and select which variant to add to each size

Enter the quantity to add to each size (or use the Auto Fill button) and determine the Raw Material label

Click [OK] to confirm

Once added, determine which size you wish to use for costing (important if the different variants of the RM have different prices) and add specific notes if required
The Material cost now visible on the Costs tab will combine the Raw Materials and Sized Raw Materials
Click the Information [i] for further costing breakdown
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