
Product Versioning - Product Costings - Bulk Actions

You can apply bulk actions to all product versions or a selection of product versions.

These are the choices of actions you can perform in bulk...

  • General Details
    • Category 1
    • Category 2
    • Category 3
    • Category 4
    • Category 5
    • Withdrawn

  • Manufacturers
    • Default Manufacturer
    • Lead Time
    • Minimums
    • Internal Comments

  • Customs Data
    • Textile Content
    • Country of Origin

  • Raw Materials
    • Add Raw Material (Raw Material, Colour, Consumption)
    • Remove Raw Material (Raw Material, Colour)
    • Swap Raw Material (Replace Raw Material, Replace Colour, with Raw Materials, with Colour)

  • Costs
    • Manufacturing Type
    • Production Notes
    • Labels

From the product view click [Actions] then click [Bulk Edit Version]

Alternatively, go to the Product then click the orange button with the version name (for example, "V3") to display the versioning area, then click [Bulk Edit Versions]

Step 1: Select the product versions you want to edit in bulk

Step 2: Select and populate the fields you want to update in bulk

Step 3: Confirm your bulk edits and click [Perform Action]


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