
Product Costing - Set Season Visibility - Using Existing Products

When you first create a new season, there are no products visible.  You can make products from other seasons visible via Set Season Visibility. The prices are season specific, so any changes made to costings will not impact previous seasons

Select Set Season Visibility from the Product Costing dropdown
This page will show you all Products created in your system

You can select a specific season via the Season dropdown or use Select/Move/Filter to apply further filters

Tick [Visible] to make Products visible in current season

Save is automatic

The selected Products are now visible in the new season

All Raw Materials required for these products are now automatically visible in this season.

If you now change ANYTHING in the Product Costing except Exchange Rate, Make/First cost or Wholesale/Retail prices - it will carry through to ALL seasons.

For information on how to rename products from previous seasons

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Next Article Product Costing - Set Season Visibility - Updating Product ID