
Product Costing - Set Season Visibility - Updating Product ID

You want to use an existing product costing and offer it in a different season with a new Product ID

Please note, if you make a product visible from a previous season and change the PRODUCT ID, this will change the PRODUCT ID across all seasons and documents

Make the Product you wish to amend visible in the current season

... either by Set Season Visibility page

For more information on Set Season Visibility page

... or by removing "Visible" filter, searching for the Product and selecting Seasonal Status - Visible within the Product

Removing this filter will show you all Products active across all seasons

Create a Copy of the Product in the current season by selecting the Copy button on List View
Enter new Product ID on duplicate Product

Select [Copy Raw Material Colours] to also copy all variants for Raw Materials

[Save] and [Close] to return to list view

You now have two products, with the duplicate Product having the updated Product ID
The original product can be made invisible in the current season
Leaving only the Product with update Product ID Visible
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