
Product Costing - Exchange Rates

Apply an updated exchange rate to a selection of products or all of the products in a list view.

Additional currencies are an option add-on. If you are interested in adding these to your system please say HELLO ZEDONK for more information

Updating exchange rates for multiple products is useful if.....

You have made products visible from another season with a different exchange rate

You wish to change your default exchange rate to a different one for production make costs

N.B. Changes to exchange rate in product costings will update your first/make cost in default currency

Select Exchange Rate from Product Costing dropdown
Select the currency you wish to update

Only products with First/Make cost in that currency will be visible

Select the Products you wish to update the rate for, enter the new rate and click [Update Selected]
The following pop-up indicates changes that will be made. If confirmed, click [Update Rate]
Exchange rates have now been updated
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