
Product Costing - Set Season Visibility - Prices Missing

You are making Products visible in your new season but the price is shown as 0 but is listed correctly in the previous season. This indicates that the season settings need to be adjusted

When Products are made visible from previous seasons, the pricing information is season specific.When you make a new season, Zedonk needs to know what season to carry this information from.

Make sure each season is set up correctly and "Previous Season" is always specified.

When you carry a material forward, Zedonk will look for its price in the "previous season", then the previous to that one and so on, up the chain until it finds it.

If this field is not set correctly, Zedonk will not find the previous price for the material and this will be shown as 0 in the new season.

This has to do with your Season settings...
From Settings select [General Settings] and [Seasons & Exchange Rates]
Ensure that each season has the season DIRECTLY above it set as the 'Previous Season'
If needed, click on the Season name to change the previous season


If your Products were visible before amending previous seasons, you will need to make the Products invisible and then visible to pull through pricing
The wholesale, First / Make cost and RM costs will now pull through
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