
Product Costing - Wholesale Currencies

Enter your final wholesale prices for each currency if you have multi currency options. You must already have entered the final wholesale price in your base currency for this feature to work.

Additional currencies and price lists (including LANDED, and EX-WORKS) are optional add-ons. If you do not have access to these on your system and would like more information please reach out via HELLO ZEDONK for further information.

From Product Costing dropdown select Wholesale Currencies

You see all currencies on screen; unit cost, suggested and actual Wholesale prices. In this example some have been entered already and some are still at '0'. In this example by case currency is GBP and my currencies are EUR and USD.

Select [Edit] to edit all on screen
.. or to download a .csv to amend all at once...
Click [Select/Move/Filter] to customise the list view display

This is what you see....you can select what you want to export to review/amend. If the tick is GREY you cannot exclude this field from export

1. Base Currency Suggested WSP - unit cost x selected cost to wholesale markup

2. Base Currency Actual WSP - the WHOLEASALE PRICE you have entered already

3. EUR Currency Suggested WSP = unit cost x EUR exchange rate x selected cost to wholesale markup

4. EUR Currency Actual WSP - the EUR WHOLESALE PRICE you may have already entered - can be ZERO/0


In this example we are going to view the

1. EUR Currency Converted WSP = Base Currency Actual WHOLESALE PRICE x Exchange Rate

so this column is ticked and now tick OK

This is what you see on screen.....there is an additional column called CONVERTED WSP. You can click on the 'i' to see a definiton of this price and your current exchange rate.

Select the products you want to amend, click [x Selected] and then [Export CSV]

Here is the downloaded CSV....we want to confirm our EUR WHOLESALE PRICES based on the WSP Converted EUR

Enter the figures....save and close your spreadsheet

From Product Costing  dropdown select [Data Import] and import the completed file

Top right hand corner click on NEXT

You see the columns on the file that will be imported

Top right hand corner click on NEXT

This screen tells you that you are about to update your records - click OK and import or.....

Click on a line to review the 'before' and 'after' figures

When you have reviewed and are ready to import select [Import Data]

You see this.....click OK


Now you are back at the WHOLESALE CURRENCIES screen and your prices have been imported

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