
Product Costing - Tab - Raw Materials

You can add raw materials to your product and enter the consumption/rating/yield for each.

You can add individual Raw Materials visible in the current season

You will see Our Reference name in the dropdown

Or you can search and/or add multiple raw materials using the +Advanced Add button.

Filter/search by any of the fields and tick the variant

As you are adding Raw Materials you can click on the image icon to see the image you uploaded to the Raw Material record

You can search by one field and then another and make your selections. Click the Add button to add all selected raw material variants to the Product Costing


Add consumption

1. Add consumption/yield or leave it blank (you can update it later)

2. Remove, if added incorrectly

3. Click to view an image of the raw material

You can also perform a BULK ACTION to add or remove RAW MATERIALS in bulk

You can add notes ...

1. Click on the following icon on the right of Raw Materials to open the notes field

2. Enter your comment text

3. A warning sign appears if the text is too long - amend until the symbol goes away


You can hover over any comment and see it on screen

Click on the following icon to select to open all COMMENTS on the page. Click again to hide comments.

You can rearrange Raw Materials

Click on the following icon to rearrange Raw Materials

Click and move arrows to desired place

Click the following icons to go the the top of the Raw Material list or the bottom of the list

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