
Product Costing - Tab - Wholesale/RRP

Select your Mark Ups, enter Wholesale Price/RRP for all your currencies

Additional currencies are optional add-ons. Click here HELLO ZEDONK for more information about adding these to your system

On this screen SUGGESTED WHOLESALE PRICES by CURRENCY will be calculated by converting the COST PRICE using the EXCHANGE RATE and then applying the markup to give a SUGGESTED WHOLESALE PRICE  - you can then enter the FINAL PRICE

1. Select Cost to Wholesale Markup

Select Cost to Wholesale Markup for this product as per the markups available as set up in settings

2. Select Wholesale to Retail Markup

Select the correct Wholesale to Retail Markup from the markups available as set up in settings

3. Total Cost

Total Cost is the total from the Costs Tab, for more details on Costs Tab

4. Markup (%)

Calculated from the Markup allocated at the top of the page

5. Suggested Wholesale

Sum from the Total Cost and Markup selected

6. Final Wholesale

You enter final Wholesale Price (or you can enter Retail Price and click SET FROM RRP)

7. Gross Profit / Margin

View true Gross Proft by value, % and multiple

8. Suggested Retail Price

Calculated by the Wholesale Price listed  x RRP Markup selected

9. RRP

You enter final RRP

10. Select other currencies to confirm prices

Suggested is generated from Cost x Exchange Rate x Markup - NOT Default Currency Wholesale x Exchange Rate

To calculate Wholesale Prices from Default currency price:

2. Confirm Wholesale Price for this currency

3. Confirm RRP for this currency

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