
Proformas - Add Proforma for Deposit Payment

A Proforma is a Sales Order sub-document generated to request a deposit payment

From Sales Order List View select [OT] for the order you wish to generate a Proforma for

The Order Tracker is where you see all the documents related to a specific Sales Order.

Search for the Customer's Order and Click on OT
Click the action button next to the SO number and select [Add Proforma]
This will take you to the ORDER TRACKER, click on Create

The screen will populate with details from the Sales Order

Complete the missing information as required

The Products tab shows all products from the Sales Order. They are not amendable on this Proforma

Go to the Totals tab

Discount comes from the Sales Order or it can be added/amended

Enter any Transport Charge

Enter the deposit required by Percentage or by Value
Enter any Discount or Transport Fee. Enter the deposit required as value...
[Save] and [OT] or [Close] to go back to the Order Tracker
The Proforma line now shows in the Order Tracker

[Actions > Print] to export the proforma to PDF

[Envelope Icon] to email the document directly from Zedonk

The Order Tracker now displays the Proforma Document Number. Click PRINT to export the PDF.
If you print the 'Classic' Style
If you print the 'Portrait' Style
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